When you know who you're building what for the system comes together, coherency. The Development Stack will take care of your static site needs and make it seem like you're playing a video game.
foundation watch
to spin up a live prototyping environmentSteps - These steps have only been tested on a Mac OSx Terminal
Install Git and NodeJS
Essentially what we're going to do here is:
$ git --version
and get a version number back.$ npm -v
and get a version number back.Setup II
Install the ZURB Foundation 6 CLI
CLI: Command Line Interface
$ npm install --global foundation-cli
Setup III
Create a New Project
Using the CLI
$ foundation new
$ cd [your_project_dir]
$ foundation watch
Google Workspaces
Add a Workspace to Google Chrome
In Google Chrome
Edit Live!
Live edit/save in Chrome
Essentially what we're going to do here is:
GitHub Account
Create a GitHub account:
Essentially what we're going to do here is:
$ foundation new
Free Hosting
Host our site using gh-pages
Git isn't just about getting things, it great for version control, but it can also host your site!
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "I'm initializing my first production repository!"
$ git push
$ git checkout -b gh-pages
$ git push
Now you have a workflow!
The quick and dirty steps:
$ foundation watch
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Message to yourself"
$ git push